

mainly just archival purposes only at this post.
occasionally active for commissions/sales.


フォロー数:341 フォロワー数:228

Here comes another! For !
There is only one Oracle, who is capable of seeing the past/present/future at all times. They don't speak, not because they can't, but because they do not wish to reveal secrets only they know to anyone in fear of destroying timelines.

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Another one!!!! For !!
Puffy is a teenage dragon that escaped from the castle she was locked up in to explore the world and discover herself; she's a lot stronger than she thinks though, and often intimidates others.

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Second part of 's request, for !
Beeper claims to come from another solar system entirely, but the technology it wields seems to be made entirely from plastic and cardboard.

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WOOH another rpg enemy! This one for !
Magus is a skilled wizard, but often too lazy to use their magic and prefer to use short swords and daggers instead.

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Another rpg enemy! Person who got him doesnt have a twitter but I may as well post it here n__n
Buo is controlled by the tiny head on top-from the front it seems like it may be nesting on top of the other one, however it is connected directly to the lower one's body like a tumor.

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Alright, back to work! Here's another rpg enemy, for !
Hunters all come from a merchant town found deep inside a labyrinth, they travel outside to sell rare items to those who can't make their way through the labyrinth.

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Here comes another.....for !!!!
Sneekz are often hidden in bushes, and easily startled. There's really no point in fighting them, as all they're capable of doing is light slaps and pinches.

1 6

Another rpg enemy! For !
The Prince was once the heir to a kingdom hidden in a magical forest, until the forest itself was cut down in its entirety. Nobody will believe him about his status now.

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Wooh wooh wooh here's yet another rpg enemy!!! For !
Glucose eats and eats and eats...but is never full.. maybe because its a ghost and lacks internal organs.. either way, you can't help but feel a little bad for it

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Yet another rpg enemy! This dude's for !
BooBoo has a bad habit of setting almost everything in his wake on fire, because although he loves to juggle-he's not the best at it.

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