

mainly just archival purposes only at this post.
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フォロー数:341 フォロワー数:228

Another archetypal enemy every rpg needs, for !
This Siren in particular is missing a chunk in her chest due to an accident involving a boat's propellor; because of this, she bites chunks out of sailors as revenge whenever the chance arises

1 4

More rpg enemies!!! 's this time..
Air Gems are rare to find, but drop bountiful treasures once defeated. The challenge is getting through their incredibly durable wings.

4 6

Yet another rpg enemy, for !!
Big Mama is the leader of a gang and owner of a casino, she's not someone to mess with!!!!

1 5

First rpg enemy of the day, for !!
Best Friend looks soft to the touch, but its fur is barbed much like a tarantula's and can be shed rapidly to cause a flurry of prickling sensations

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First one of a set for
Gewpie looks awfully familiar!!! But what's more distracting is the fact you can clearly see whatever it just ate..

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Almost nearing the end of this batch... this one for
Tizzy is incredibly fast, able to outrun anything and anyone; the side effect of this however is that Tizzy is almost always dizzy, nauseous, and not 100% sure where they are

1 4

Every rpg needs a mimic, this one's for
Rather than being a chest, door, or item--this mimic is the entire fucking dungeon.

3 10

AaaaaAAAAnother rpg enemy, this one's for !!!
Over Easy may look super cute, but they emit a horrible rotten egg smell from the cracks in their shell.

2 8

This one's pretty weird lol, rpg enemy for !!!!
If you look at Meta's true face too long you may start to hallucinate-the only problem is that these hallucinations will always be with you, until death.

2 4

This lil guy is for
Seekers generally give advice rather than fight, but when agitated enough their shroomy heads are capable of releasing a paralyzing poison

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