kelsey ireneさんのプロフィール画像

kelsey ireneさんのイラストまとめ

kelsey irene • she/her • scenario writer • character designer • 3D generalist • gradient wizard •

フォロー数:1076 フォロワー数:6328

anyway, this is the stuff i was trying to tweet last night, some experiments! the definition on the hair is just a hard round brush in black with a gaussian blur

the betta fish-lookin' ponytail is the wire tool i linked before with some soft select sculpting

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hair plane with a brush from affinity designer. the tool i'm using for planes ( doesn't have automatic UVs yet so THAT'S a pain in the ass but otherwise!

i'm going to see if i can make a brush with built in hair alphas next

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widening his eyes via textures looks kinda shitty up close but am i ever going to get this close in-game? probably. i'll fix it.

special wide-eye heads? do you know how many head models the 3D ace attorney games had in one character file?


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i don't have his nose and cheeks blushed correctly so they kind of get lost in the skin but he looks good! i might be able to pull off guys someday after all

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always remember to check your angles before you put on the rest of your head

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both of them still have kinda crummy topology, but the smooth one has a better shape to work with-- i got the jaw smeared down sharper, and got her cheeks to look a little fuller.

the sculpt tools used for this are the smooth without disturbing the mesh tool, and the move tool

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(i'm about worked-out tonight and i crossed 1000 followers last night so! gonna cease doin' shit a little early tonight!)

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my experimenting has actually been super enlightening! remember when i was all sad that i'd probably never get her hair to look as cute and fluffy as her concepts? it's a start!

(her nose is too small tho, just noticed that)

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aaah i think, for my actual game style, i might go with my original textures

the pixel styles are cute, but i don't know if i'll be able to pull the emotional range out of them that i want

definitely still experimenting though! it's hard being your own art director

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weird or cute if she ends up sharing poses and mannerisms with her mom?

i borrowed some hands and i'm coping with not being able to model my own. i'll figure it out, i'm just cranky

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