kelsey ireneさんのプロフィール画像

kelsey ireneさんのイラストまとめ

kelsey irene • she/her • scenario writer • character designer • 3D generalist • gradient wizard •

フォロー数:1076 フォロワー数:6328

i don't have much material for manna, since she's had a solid name since pretty much the beginning. every time i would change baby doe's name, i would save a new PSD. i tried a lot of style savvy outfits on her, of all things, and i wanted her to have hair like mirai kuriyama.

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this was the point in time i was trying to reconcile with the idea that i wanted her to look like Luna from Virtue's Last Reward, but the braids and ponytails just looked too grown up and stiff for her. I wanted her to look like grimy little girl, like earlier sketches (#4!)

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ooh, a bonus! some sketches of manna and baby doe when manna was WAY more elegant than she's turned out to be now. weird to look back!

i can sketch like a sumbitch but illustrations are beyond me. manna's color palette had a lot more purple than it does now.


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either way, after i get a direction i'd like to go, i pop everything into a design blank and get to work. in the super early stages, baby doe was the protag. i'm going through my files one by one, and baby's is the earliest. still blank for some reason tho.

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i have some really obtuse, time intensive design practices, which anybody that knows me can attest to. i take a long ass time. i usually zone in on exactly what i want very early, can't picture it, and spend ages circling the drain trying to find what i liked in my sketches.

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is super more recent than i'd thought! i feel like i've been tossing it around since 2014. in the above image, that "face shape" sketch is definitely baby doe. i think the other sketches are supposed to be manna, but i can't remember. the below are the first concrete mannas.

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i just tried to separate the face and just have a floating texture to see how it looked, but maya does nnnnnot like me to do transparency :( it's obnoxious

that would be a good solution for my gradient problem if i could get that to work though!

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i've decided to take a break with her right now and work on manna(WHOSE FACE I FIXED FINALLY) but here's all this sweet little kid's current facial expressions!

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hoo boy but does sketchfab rendering make me feel good about myself!

to-do list: more hair, retopo and retexture the torso, leg texture, hands and shoes

and the overalls flaps and straps. all that work and her pants STILL technically aren't done

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i'm absolutely floored that these shorts are turning out the way they are, considering i'm flying by the seat of my pants

pause for laughter

either way she's still not rigged, fake it til you make it

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