

OC , fanart and webcomic rat artist! Drawing what I feel like!! || ESP/ENG/25/ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ

h: @dbrrrrt

フォロー数:288 フォロワー数:17293

87. Eugen, 20 years old.
A short knight from the same land as Emma, they consider each other siblings. Unlike ur average knight, Eugen actually hates being one and has no morals for such things, he is more interested in other stuff. Please don't laugh at his height.

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86. Emma, 17 years old
An actual knight from an actually destroyed land. She is not afraid of danger and loves to save people to win popularity, even so, she is a bit jealous of Sebas for taking the popularity with the girls, without even trying but she does good by herself too.

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85. Sebastian, 17 years old
A wandering warrior with amnesia that claims to be a knight from a destroyed land. He has good intentions but is awful at fighting. Much to his dismay, ppl tend to confuse him with a prince. Is scared of aliens?

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83-84. Francisbelle and Snow
Anastacia's mom and their pet cat. Francis is a gloomy woman who lives alone with them. She never leaves her home and has a very pessimistic and overprotective view of the world.

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82. Lancelot, 27 years old
A cephalopod man who works as a physics teacher at Anastacia school, but is incredibly lazy, and doesn't take his job seriously. He is also a musician and plays the bass. He is very popular thanks to his serious attitude but he is very socially awkward.

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omg dont worrry!! Thats understandable adsda
well idk what oc u like the most but maybe this one ?? is ok if not dw!! 😭

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81. Alexandra, 52 years old
The school principal! Along with Sir Lucas, the school vice principal... She looks like Anastacia, what could that entail...
For such a big name in the school, she is super friendly and doesn't care about the students causing trouble like Sir Lucas.

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80. Bryan, 15 years old
Submarine man best friend!? He is the only person that knows details about him, actually, Bryan knows details about everyone in the school. Much like Astrid and Yue , he is also a deliquent- scamming others for gossip information. Friends with Astrid, bi.

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79. Astrid, 14-15 years old
She is a werewolf girl and like Yue , she is also a delinquent, which is the reason that despite Yue not having any friends, they are often seen together. Be careful around her if you appreciate your belongings. Aside from that, she is pretty chill

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78. Yue, 15 years old
A mysterious demon and scary-looking delinquent girl. She practices roller derby and other sports. No one is friends with Yue cuz they are terrified of her and she doesn't like others either, but under that cold gaze, there's a very caring, fun girl. GAMER.

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