

OC , fanart and webcomic rat artist! Drawing what I feel like!! || ESP/ENG/25/ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ

h: @dbrrrrt

フォロー数:288 フォロワー数:17293

77. Terry, 13 years old
Clarie younger brother. He is always sleeping no matter what, he comes to school just to sleep. Often seen pushed around asleep by Submarine man. What can I say, he loves to sleep. He also likes robots too. Wait, what is the nailed bat for?

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76. Joeslenick "Joe" ,16 years old
He is a ghost , more precisely, a ghost boy who lost his body. He isn't bothered about the fact that he is dead, but mostly about not having a body to play his favorites instruments. Would like Clarie to notice him. He loves being "cool"

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75. Submarine man, ???
He is a student, Anastacia has a crush on him , no one understands why , and no one knows anything about him either. Has thalassophobia.

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74. Minna, 18 years old
Another classmate, Minna is the classic rich girl of the class , she loves to fit the stereotype. She can solve everything with money. Self-proclaimed Clarie best friend cuz she pays her to do her homework. Likes Anabele but dislikes Anastacia.

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73. Clarie, 16 years old
The mad scientist, she is Anabele &Anastacia classmate (skipped grades). She has a one-sided rivalry with Anabele for the best grades, cuz she wishes to be the top 1 honor student. She is a gifted mechanic and has no qualms about experimenting with others

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72. Anabele, 18 years old
Anastacia best friend and deuteragonist of Beta Direction. Anabele is pretty blunt and not as gullible , so she usually looks after Anastacia. She loves designing clothes and is always dressing differently, and enjoys dressing up Anastacia as well.

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71. Anastacia , 17 years old
A tall girl with a heart of gold, she wants to get along with everyone in the world no matter what. She is very gullible. She loves flowers and cats and falls easily for anything non-human.. like monsters. Protag of my old comic Beta Direction! Insane

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70. Cervena (wip)
Another succubus who is Zillay friend and coworker, unlike Zillay, she is very playful with her clients. However, she likes being tipped well, and if you don*t things might end in bloodshed. Treats Zillay as her younger sister.

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69. (👍) For Zillay, the succubus
A blue-haired succubus who is not very skillful at such job, Zillay is pretty much an innocent ditz. She works at a local succubus bar but is often distracted by any romance stories her clients might have. For love issues she might give u advice

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