well behaved beetleさんのプロフィール画像

well behaved beetleさんのイラストまとめ

graves, 31, they/them + it/its • fungus-type thing • 💜 i love my s/o 💜 • art account: @bathysophical • icon & header @CHICAUMINO

フォロー数:337 フォロワー数:220

legitimately suffered for this view

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all of my art of acanthia either makes her look very cute like a doll or like she bites people for fun

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was trying desperately to draw anything, anything at all bc ive been in a MASSIVE art dry spell and i managed to doodle one of my mabi characters but i hate it bc she looks EXACTLY like these two pictures. i guess this is definitely her vibe but i hate it

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hades (game) fans. i love you all, your game looks very good but i am Desperately going to need you all to stop drawing these two with literal gray skin. do you see the colors on the headpieces? the black hair? do you know how many times ive thought WHO dares rt homestuck in 2020

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salem got me the new hair for her and i think she is so cute 🥺

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I love fake people, I love games, I love drama, music means nothing to me. I'm not a chill guy and if you fuck with my friends I will help you do it. I would betray any of my loved ones at any time and I would not hesitate to hit them with a car

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none of my followers will understand this and that is ok but it must be said: i am sick to death of you. if i see you in the road while im driving im flooring it

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