well behaved beetleさんのプロフィール画像

well behaved beetleさんのイラストまとめ

graves, 31, they/them + it/its • fungus-type thing • 💜 i love my s/o 💜 • art account: @bathysophical • icon & header @CHICAUMINO

フォロー数:337 フォロワー数:220

a VERY quick doodle because i am thinking of them (the ears)

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compilation: extremely quickly and poorly drawn solas pictures ive done specifically to make my friend angry at me

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this is my ""main"" laverne shes ugly as sin and i love her to death. i want to make a nightborne mage after i unlock them but right now ive been hopping between her and a couple of much lower level alts

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if you dont do this its its totally ok, you have tons of responses!!! but i wanted to offer my girl nonetheless- her name is alun and i love her 😭 thank you for your time and consideration!!

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tagged by !! four of my favorite blue characters though sylvanas is a lot less blue these days........ reply to this and i'll give you a color to do!! two of these are from ffxiv but forgive me because im into like 3 different things

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this little lady who is also a duck named mirdana is packing up to move out of my town tomorrow, and i think shes pretty cute so i wanted to say that if anyone like. wants her theyre welcome to stop by and grab her attention tomorrow

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