HypMic ENさんのプロフィール画像

HypMic ENさんのイラストまとめ

An unofficial English resource for Hypnosis Microphone - we'll be offering translations of updates and other news. ※非公式ファンアカウントです。

フォロー数:5 フォロワー数:18716

Today we have Jakurai's "Labyrinth Wall" to start off our translations of the songs on Matenro - Aural Medicine.

(Please note that we've made our best effort to preserve not only meaning but rhythm and rhyme too, and in the case of this song we specifically prioritized diction)

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They will reveal the winning works at the upcoming 3rd live in November.

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Concluding our translations of the songs on Bayside M.T.C. is Rio's "What's My Name?"

(As always, please note that we've made our best effort to preserve not only meaning but rhyme and rhythm wherever possible.)

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And that was "This Means War"! If you haven't picked up the album yet, you can hear part of the song on the official Youtube channel: https://t.co/PLte5WX2db

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And that was "My Name is Ichiro". If you missed our note on this previously: Unlike the other songs in the series Ichiro's voice actor, Subaru Kimura, actually wrote the lyrics to this song himself!
(We'll also be elaborating on some of those Evangelion references later.)

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And the last of our spoon.2Di Vol. 41 coverage is an interview with Sho Hayami, the voice of Jakurai!

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Doppo represents the many two-faced people of Shinjuku; the quiet type, balling up stress until they snap. He shows his true face when he raps; the power of stress can be amazing!

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He thinks Dice is trash, created out of wanting a thrill-seeking hedonist. He thinks Gentaro is hard to understand due to his unclear personality. Compared to the first drama CD, there seems to be a bond forming between the three - Ramuda is showing more of his other personality.

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And that's "drops"!

If you haven’t picked up the album yet, you can preview all three solos on the official HypMic Youtube channel: https://t.co/s7Mc2hEtGA

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Pixiv Division Battle Side: Illustration
- Any HypMic character or division art, multiple submissions are allowed
- The winner will have their artwork displayed at the 3rd concert and receive autographs from the cast

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