


フォロー数:573 フォロワー数:20008

Tired tired tired
Time for bed

363 2067

I am very pleased to say that I have finally found my purpose in life, it's drawing bakura from yugioh. From now on this is a Bakura account. Thank you for understanding.

179 924

Our name is phosphophyllite, rock of rocks
look on our pose, ye mighty and despair...

1033 5484

Phos dying in a glue trap although this is more pleasant than the general state of affairs of this series

1146 4609

Hi, hi, thanks for following me too!! <3<3<3<3<3 the honour is mine tbh, I love your Lapis TvT

1 42

AU where Ghost died instead of Lapis and Lapis and Phos partner up after the winter arc and also go to the moon together

1636 7098

Aah to tangle your fingers hand in Lapis' hair aaaahHhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

464 2507

Tired. No more tea. Lost the tab with the song I've listened to for months. Can't find it again because I can't read hanzi. Unsure if the fanfic I'm looking for got deleted or I just forgot the title. Cat keeps giving me mixed signals about whether I should rub her stomach or not

219 1309

Nio and Yuen from Revenger are pretty cute!

42 449

