


フォロー数:573 フォロワー数:20008

I haven't the slightest clue what this blueberry cat thing is about but I never actually needed a solid reason to draw Lapis with cat ears so whatever lololo nyapis nyapis nyapis

422 2162

Practicing how to draw fabric with Reki from Haibane Renmei <3<3 bestgirl

486 2278

Remember, today is the day with lots of heart shaped chocolate in the shops... but tomorrow is the day the chocolate goes on sale

500 2431

In case anyone saw that, I did something sinful and forgot to draw the doritos but now they're there :)

238 1532

I'M EATING CAKE!!!!!!!!!!

1180 5926

I just want pancaaaaaaaaaaaaakeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

339 1983

AU where the gems are team umizoomi
Umizoomi umizoomi
In a land that's not so far awayyyy! Umicity
You can count on us to save the daaaayyyy! Umizoomiumizoomi

128 853

In season 2(never), I imagine Phos would look a lot like Meryl but with narrower eyes, also Lapis would be voiced by Yuuki Aoi, right?????? Imagine it...
I'm certainly looking forward to season 2(never)!

252 1565