Imogen Foxellさんのプロフィール画像

Imogen Foxellさんのイラストまとめ

Illustrator, writer, lexicographer, and classicist. on bluesky, Cara, instagram @imogenfoxell

フォロー数:542 フォロワー数:949

A poor man goes to thank his child's myseterious godfather. But the steps to his house are full of fighting dustpans, dismembered body parts and self-roasting fish. And then he looks through the keyhole and sees the godfather has long horns - aaargh! So he runs away!

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Jorinde and Joringel are young lovers who roam too close to the witch's castle. And now the witch has frozen Joringel and transformed Jorinde into a nightingale to add to her collection of seven thousand caged birds.

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A couple wish for a child "even if it's a hedgehog", so of course they have a half-hedgehog son, Hans. Horribly, they then leave him behind the oven to die. But Hans isn't daunted. He rides off into the forest on the cockerel to herd pigs, play the bagpipes and marry a princess.

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The three field surgeons can reattach their own severed hand, heart, and eyeballs. While proving this, they leave their bodyparts in the care of a distractable maid, and (oh no!) the cat eats them! The maid has to find some suitable replacements and hope that no one notices...

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When a poor woodcutter's son runs out of money for studying, he has to go home and work with his father - but he's not a great success at woodcutting...until he discovers a glass bottle among the tree roots and has to outwit the malicious spirit that lives inside...

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The grave mound. This is a great story. A miser repents on his deathbed and gives a poor farmer charity, if he will guard his grave for three days. So the farmer and a passing soldier protect the grave from the devil and trick the devil out of his gold as well!

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"What slew none and yet slew twelve?" The princess couldn't guess, even though the answer is OBVIOUSLY a raven which has given food poisoning to twelve murderers, after it pecked at a horse which was accidentally poisoned by a witch.

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I think I've got enough of these piled up now to go back to posting every day - there are about 75 to go before I complete all the Grimms. This is Strong Hans being carried over the sea by air spirits to rescue the princess.

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The seven ravens. The girl has gone to seek her brothers who were transformed into ravens by an unlucky wish. After seeking help from the sun, moon, and stars, she has found then at last feasting in the glass mountain. But will they remember her?

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Here's a bonus Grimms' fairy tale that I drew last year, since it features pancakes (and a wolf and a fox conspiring to steal them). Happy pancake day - I hope the wolves keep away from your pancakes.

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