

Cuz I been sitting on my butt all day playing videogames ~ Luigi Mario (1993) | PFP by Hub:

フォロー数:1390 フォロワー数:698

i got the Tales of Arise plat! wasn't as grindy as I thought it'd be. final thoughts, i think the game was pretty solid overall, there were a few things story wise that i felt dragged, but it was still pretty sweet. alright, NOW i can put my attention toward Abyss again

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oh sweet! yeah if you do get the chance I'd definitely recommend picking it up. solid combat system with a lot of combo and experimenting potential, nice story, and a pretty cool cast. even for folk who haven't played a tales before, or maybe just one or two, it's pretty great!

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along with getting the big boi fish, i beat Arise! it was really good! gonna prob continue and go for plat now.

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the regularly scheduled stream programming of tales of the abyss will be back relatively soon. Arise has currently got me hooked, im afraid, and I can't seem to pull myself away

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you got this! i'm taking in everything very slowly with the game to soak in everything, so it'll prob be a little while til i finish it, I'm thinking

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listen here, rentman

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i'm glad you guys liked the reveal

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