Indie Gamer Chickさんのプロフィール画像

Indie Gamer Chickさんのイラストまとめ

THIS IS INACTIVE. My work is at That's where I update exclusively. My pinball site: Friends:

フォロー数:3346 フォロワー数:17762

Sounds like me at my new home.

I'm not worked so psycho killer will stalk me here, though. Let's face it, if there is one, it's probably me anyway.

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Developed & Published by Irem
Verdict: Extinct

+ Literally nothing.
- Every potentially good idea is underutilized. Sluggish/Unresponsive controls. Bland overall mechanics. Cynical and pandering character models. Cheap shots/GOTCHA hits.

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And that's DinoCity.

Wow. It's another "literally nothing nice to say" games. I feel sorry for kids that had this as an option. Dinosaurs ARE cool, but this? Strip away every (BIG) flaw and it's still so damn bland and cynical. As lazy and pandering as I feared. Just horrible.

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Well slap my ass and call me Sally.

The second stage is an ice stage.

In an already miserably controlling game.

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Hence, instead of Dinosaur City, it's DinoCity, one word, no Adventures of.

The distancing further continued as they only retained the lead character and villain names. The look of the "universe" was 100% an original creation of the development team.

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The film's producers were very aggressive in shopping it around, and instead of trying to sell distribution of the FILM, they first went around looking for people to partner on the merch. Their pitch was, and I'm not joking here, "dinosaurs are way cooler than turtles."


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Biker Mice From Mars does what it NEEDS to do, and that's what matters most. It controls very well. It has very smart course design (better than Mario Kart, easily. It's right up there with F-Zero).

And there's no rubber-banding from what I can tell.

It's genuinely really fun.

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I do feel a LOT better.

And it helps that Biker Mice from Mars is a very decent racer.

It's lacking in the combat being balanced and there's no sense of speed, but as a 16-bit, isometric Excitebike spiritual sequel? It works and is a rousing success. The definition of "sleeper"

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The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang
Developed by Red Company
Ruined by Bullet Proof Software
Verdict: NO Pile pending reevaluation on Super Famicom.

+ Charming. Potentially fun combat mechanics.
- Potential ruined by unbelievably spongy enemies.

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And you can throw your hat too.

Spike McFang seems fine. Another one of those free-agent type of games that might want to track-down for a cart.

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