

I am a Strahd simp this is a terrible fact about me
Anything I draw is homosexual in some way I promise you
out here

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thinking about Anaïs Mitchell's Version of Tam Lin/Child 39 again

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"i prefer bronze over silver... for a number of reasons"

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avalloch drew a fireball scroll in the last session and was able to take out a TON of the monsters with it and it was very hot and sexy

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pondering the tome by candle light...

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"You wrote of longing for youth, for life, but at the very least you have known life. I have never felt air fill my lungs. Never tasted a fine wine. I have never felt what it is like to have blood pumping through my body. To have a beating heart. And I long for that."

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Primula sect. Dodecatheon: I can't live without you
ranunculus acris: childishness, self-esteem
Mertensia virginica: gratitude, everlasting love
narcissus: sunlight, sunshine, the sun shines when I'm with you

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another new piece! drawing of my partners character Roshan! :)

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have been so goddamn busy and tired but I did this doodle last night of my gf and I, we always joke about being a werewolf bf and vampire gf so here we are :)

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because I've been Super Busy, here's some of my old art of my dnd character from a little bit over a year ago, Alice, a punk rock bitch and the lead guitarist in her band Wonderland <33 (also a shadow sorcerer, though she didn't know at the beginning of the campaign)

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