

I am a Strahd simp this is a terrible fact about me
Anything I draw is homosexual in some way I promise you
out here

フォロー数:127 フォロワー数:61

I have been disappeared because my summer work was finishing up but here are some more of my ArtFight pieces!
1. Maldreth by
2. Ascian by
3. Darth Envid by @/dusadoodles (insta/Tumblr)
4. Zenith and Dhan by

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Opal, my beloved <3 hopefully the first in a series of the crew in fancy dress attire, Opal is played by the amazing !!!

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a piece I finished last night for art fight of my Rya Sonarain and 's Yvish'ax,,, they would spend 90% of the time arguing lmao

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more ArtFight content!!
Oshga --
Remedy --
Brad Bardson -- @/Octo.Nova (Instagram)
Zenith and Dahn --

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doing an art giveaway for 50 followers!!! (yes it happened a bit ago but I just had time to post about it)
Here's how it'll work:
🌹 you must be following to enter
🌹like & rt to enter
🌹 closes this Fri! 07/09
🌹 you can win a half-body colored/shaded commission like below:

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Artfight pieces so far: Star Wars edition
Having so much fun with artfight! It's been a great way to stretch my art muscles!
Top row: Trystrem Nax and Shar Nesso --
Bottom row: Dahn Jirahna -- and Jetaida Okis --

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Rya, my Jedi OC who is,,, tiptoeing the line of still being a Jedi lol

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ooo this is a fun one, here are some of my pieces that I feel fit the power theme, thank you so much for hosting!!!

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