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King of Otters, the Dobhar-chú (water hound) is a ghoulish water creature. Five times the size of a regular otter, its fur has protective properties. It attacks unsuspecting humans and, if attacked back, gives off an eerie high-pitched whistle to warn its mate.

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The Hag of Béara is the oldest and most powerful of mythical beings associated with Ireland, the Crone part of the Goddess trinity, alongside younger incarnations of the Maiden and the Mother. She brings winter with her and wields power over life and death.

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Legendary warrior Fionn mac Cumhaill met sisters Aine & Milucra. MiIlucra was infatuated by Fionn but he loved Aine. Aine had disliked grey-haired men. So Milucra enchanted a lake to turn the hair of swimmers grey and lured Fionn to it. His hair turned white!

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The story of Fionn & Sigurd are similar - Sigurd kills dragon Fafnir and gains knowledge when he accidentally licks his finger while cooking for the dwarf Regin. In the Irish version, Fionn does the same cooking the Salmon of Knowledge for the dwarf Finnegas.

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Abhartach was a psychotic dwarf chieftain from Donegal, Ireland who, despite being slain and buried by Cathán, a neighbouring chieftain, kept re-emerging from his grave to terrorize the village. Cathán found out that Abhartach was simply a dearg-dililat.. 1/2

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Historically, the O’Keefes in West Cork were believed to be especially haunted by the Cu Sith. Its baying meant someone in the family would soon die. So, they would trail breadcrusts away from their dwellings when a family member was ill to draw the spectral beast (and death)away

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Irish peat fae, Ballybogs are strange looking creatures with disproportioned bodies. They appear to have been dipped in mud & prefer to keep to themselves in their mud holes. They are known to prank unsuspecting human travelers & lead them astray from the path.

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The tune & lyrics relied on the repetition of a couple of basic motifs which could be extended or shortened. Since there was no established keening ‘text’, the singer was expected to improvise based on feeling. Keening was rhythmically free, i.e. without a metre.

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On Imbolc (Feb 1) the Cailleach runs out of her store of firewood and goes to gather more. If the day is fine and dry, she is able to gather more firewood and prolong the harsh winter months. If it rains, she will have no fuel and so she gives way to spring.

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To be haunted by the Banshee one must belong to the old Irish families like the MacCarthys, O’Neills, O’Rileys, O’Sullivans, O’Reardons, O’Flahertys.. She never leaves nor forgets them till the last member has been gathered to his fathers in the churchyard.

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