

Illustrator • Visual Artist • Avid storyteller and pop culture enthusiast • I’m less serious on Twitter • RTs ≠ Endorsements • From Cairo, based in Dubai

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# ootd

Rise and shine ☀️

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Still geeking out about the Ugly Noodles X Pekoe Pop Up in AlSerkal Avenue. So good.

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Today’s – Cute swimsuit for a morning dip.

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About last night. At the Cara Loves Karl collaboration unveiling event in Dubai. ❤️

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Today and yesterday’s – meh but make it pretty.

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Another day, another ramen sketch.

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Today’s – Blue top, blue jeans, and Nikes + daisy blue bandana.

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Today’s – Short ditsy floral dress and flats. My curls shrunk a bit today.

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Also, Otto Dix’s gruesome paintings inspired by his experience during WW1. There was a spread with his work in my grade 9 history book, I always flipped to it.

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Today’s – Pretty in polka dots and flats. Hair half up, my usual thing gold necklace.

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