

Illustrator | Graphic Designer
🏴 VegⒶN

フォロー数:977 フォロワー数:5182

I started the Zamahel collection on when HEN went down November '21, a series of animations & illustrations inspired by history & mythology of indigenous cultures from the Americas & Oceania, following themes I already worked w/ earlier



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Hi !
Just minted my contribution to 7 fearsome guardians of nature from traditional cosmology of the indigenous Awá Guarani people

Drawing on paper + digital painting
Only 4 editions left on primary for 1.3 tez


Thanks for your time

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Hi ! Just minted my collaboration to

The children of Tau & Kerana, fearsome guardians of nature from traditional cosmology of the indigenous Awá Guarani people


I'm an illustrator from 🇧🇷 interested in preserving history.

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Hi ! I've just minted my contribution to The children of Tau & Kerana, from the mythology of the Awá Guarani indigenous people.


12 editions 1.3 XTZ

I'm an illustrator from 🇧🇷 interested in preserving indigenous history

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JACI JATERÊ protector of the Yerba Mate. A humanoid figure w/ long bright hair. One of the figures behind the origins of the Saci Pererê figure from 18th century Brazilian folklore (alongside Kambaí of the Kaingang & Aroni of Yoruba tradition)


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MOÑÁI a horned serpent, I chose to depict him w/ elements of a Passiflora edulis (flower of the passion fruit, common in the traditional territory of the Awá, from Brazil to Paraguay, Bolivia & northern Argentina). Protector of fields.


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TEIÚ IAGUÁ ("Lizard Dog"), protector of the caves & lakes, said to have lived in the hill of Jaraú, in Quaraí, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.


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GM! The Mantis will go live next Tuesday

1 SOL reserve, includes a 1/1 airdrop to top bidder

9th piece of my genesis series on exchange!


Have a great Friday & weekend everyone

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Thank you for sharing!! 😁
This is the result ⬇️ one of my NFTs on


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