

フォロー数:3088 フォロワー数:331

Sketchin’ a little. Feels like a month since I’ve drawn anything...

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(Oh also it has really elaborately drawn and realistic wall climbing frames, too.)

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*Wonders out loud if Woolie has heard of the muscle girl anime of the season: Climbing Girls*

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I personally also really like Fang and Vanille, but the real MVP's are 13-2's Caius and Noel. Future Trunks and Liam O'Brien. They're FANTASTIC and could have carried their own unique numbered Final Fantasy game.

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Ashe from my game, Lady Killers

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imagine taking what hideki naganuma tweets seriously and getting upset over it.

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just wanted to draw a naked babe for fun.

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Okay Sakurai, THAT'S pretty cool.

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more of this character from my game

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