

I'm still tired™️

I draw stuff and sometimes weird shit.

Stuff I like: Fire Emblem, Resident Evil, Star Wars, Pokemon, and Mortal Kombat.

フォロー数:252 フォロワー数:16914

Can we have Saiga Takihito as the artist for FE4 remake pls

119 853



Self Inserts Part 3

John Devanns - Resident Evil
Jonathan Dawson - Silent Hill
Ian Carlos - Spiderverse/Spidersona
Schism - Superhero OC

6 60

Self Inserts Part 2

Jehann Steelwall - Final Fantasy 7
Karl Dufort - King of Fighters
Yohannes - Street Fighter
Yahren - Mortal Kombat

11 91

Code Veronica is trending, so here's another preview of my Claire redesign. Need to find the time to finish this tho.

Sigh, I hope we can still get a remake someday.

306 1030

Idk why I did this 7 years ago

22 150

I based this on the Emperor class artwork from FE4

2 81

Edelgard wearing imperial armor from Jugdral

1463 6119

Wish they can bring back Hidari as the artist for the next Fire Emblem game, even for FE4 remake.

34 349