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can’t see eye to eye with you!

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There was an Emperor who kept a nightingale in his palace for its song. But, he lost interest, when gifted a bejeweled mechanical bird, that eventually broke. When the Emperor fell ill, the true nightingale sang so beautifully that Death let the Emperor live.

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you will miss the deal that enabled Persephone to return to Hades for four months, and spend the rest of the year above ground with Demeter. Joyful Demeter replenished the Earth's fertility in springtime and mourned in winter when Persephone returned to the underworld

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Nafanua was an ali'i chief/queen and toa warrior of Samoa. The title of Toa/Toa Tama'ita'i (Warrior) was bestowed upon her for avenging her family and creating peace via her fighting skills and her four magical weapons which she carved herself from Toa wood.

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Ereshkigal, a Powerful Mesopotamian Queen of the Dead was in charge of keeping the dead in her realm and preventing the living from learning about the afterlife. Her domain was in the Mountains of Sunset to the west, known as Kurnugia,or the Land of No return.

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…nature doesn’t actually abhor a vacuum…

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Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand.
(The Stolen Child)
W. B. Yeats - 1865-1939

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(John Anster Fitzgerald (1823-1906)

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In ancient Japanese lore, Yofune-nushi, was an evil sea dragon, with a preference for young women. In poetic justice, Yofune-nushi
was slain by the heroic Tokoyo, a courageous young girl. She killed the dragon by blinding it with her dagger then sliced its neck

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