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Portrait of Anahid Tutelian from our FB Live session with the Friday night Cleveland Pretentious Portrait Artists. Windsor Newton water-based oil on Arches huile oil paper, 6 x 9 inches. Thank you. #portrait #portraitmodel #portraitdrawing #oilonpaper
Wonderful in-person figure session with model Cleo @artmodel_cleo at Murray Hill Life Drawing Group. #lifedrawing #murrayhilllifedrawing #figuremodel #lifemodel #figuredrawing #ink #ebonypencil
Absolutely perfect weather for the Tall Ships sketch event on July 10, 2022 Many sketchers were at Voinovich Bicentennial Park, with views of the ships and Cleveland skyline. #usk #urbansketchers #urbansketcherscleveland #usksketchtogether
Nice life drawing portrait session at @silhouette_and_shadow with Jalene @modelartistj in "Portrait of a Woman with Red" theme. #charactermodel #portraitmodel #lifedrawing #figuredrawing #portraitsketch
Had a wonderful weekend in Cape Vincent, New York, at a cottage on Mud Bay leading into Lake Ontario. Wonderful way to spend the July 4th holiday. Sunset on the bay and view of the boathouse from the backyard. #capevincent #upstatenewyork #newyork #mudbay #lakeontario
Portrait of Key Jo Lee, Associate Curator of American Art at The Cleveland Museum of Art, from our FB Live session with the Friday night Cleveland Pretentious Portrait Artists.
Perfect day out at Lake View Cemetery with other artists sketching and painting. This was so unique and challenging to work from but gave it a try. #lakeviewcemetery
Wonderful session with model Emily at Murray Hill Life Drawing Group's in person session. #lifedrawing #murrayhilllifedrawing #figuremodel #lifemodel #figuredrawing #portraitdrawing #nudemodel #digitalart #ipad #procreate #digital
House portrait as a gift for an artist couple. #houseportrait #homeiswheretheheartis #gouache #strathmorepaper
Portrait of Sarah Briggs McIntyre from our session with the Friday night Cleveland Pretentious Portrait Artists via FB Livestream, gouache and Ebony pencil. Thank you. #portrait #portraitmodel #portraitdrawing #gouache #strathmorepaper