Jason Hookさんのプロフィール画像

Jason Hookさんのイラストまとめ

Writer of children's books including 'Wendy and the Wallpaper Cat', 'The Marine Team' and 'Where's the Dragon?' CASTLE BARMY (Railway Land Press) out now.

フォロー数:2303 フォロワー数:1015

At Castle London, in the south, King Boris summoned his ministers and magicians.
‘The Dragon is coming!’ groaned the King. ‘Whatever shall we do?’

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No ifs, no butts, the Billy Goats Gruff are done...
"You’ll never be happy, and always act meaner,
When grasping and grabbing for grass that is greener.”

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The next morning, with needle and ink of deep blue,
Her friend Fox gave the Troll one more goat’s-head tattoo.

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“My dear Billy Goats Gruff,” called the Troll, “Can you float?
Do you fly? Can you swim? Did you bring your own boat?"

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"Never knowing their big brother’s fate in this matter,
The two younger Gruff boys grew fatter and fatter..."
Love this new illustration by


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And the Troll wore a grin, as her bridge tumbled down,
Dropping Biggy Goat Gruff in the river to drown.

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"So, I’ll give you my bridge, and I’ll bow down my head,
If you’ll let me keep one little stone for my bed.”

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Trying to keep the Billy Goats Gruff trotting forward, at almost a verse a day. Thrilled with my sister's latest lovely artwork. Hope it might offer some sort of lockdown distraction.

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“I have come,” Biggy rapped, “for your bridge and your river.
This message my brothers were meant to deliver.
I’ll butt you, and beat you, and bite you in half.”
But to Biggy’s amazement, he heard the Troll laugh.

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“Take a look,” she went on, “at my inky-blue head.
Each tattoo shows the face of a goat that lies dead.
I have drowned me one hundred and one just like you,
If you fight me, I’ll make you one hundred and two!”

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