

フォロー数:637 フォロワー数:654

"Summer loving had me a blast
Summer loving happened so fast."😎💕🕺
And oh oh oh that Summer haaaair.

2 22

Emotions. Muddy, messy and out of proportion.🤣😍😭😬
(I painted my bedroom dark brown and yellow when I was 12.)🤔#colour_collective

6 46

Tag 23-24. Challenge von .
My painting inspired by Marc Chagall.

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This morning in Abbey Park...lots of gulls...

2 39

When I was little I used to draw lots of ballet dancers.😁 Tried to recreate a similar energy by drawing these with my eyes closed.😂 Did peek for the painting...

0 13

"We shall by morning
Inherit the the earth
Our foot's in the door." S.Plath
Everything everywhere smells of mushrooms.Thats why we need a sprinkle of catfairydust. 🍄😂

2 25

Today a stranger shouted at me: "Slow down you move too fast"
Me: "Yeah but Im feelin groovy."
Dont think he saw the wolf.🤣🐺

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My version of Ibrahim Hassani's portrait.

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