

#haoyixing #immortality #2ha 2022 projects 🗓 Lets Support #ArthurChen and #LuoYunxi 🐟 ☁️ #feiyunxi cpf

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Happy Birthday to Every Version of ChuWanNing. Wish you’re happy for your entire life with your beloved husband 🎐✨. And LuoYunxi thz for coming into my life as ChuWanNing💞

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Feiyunxi telegram sticker packs are available now. We have to make more of this and stay tuned. Fyx fanarts sticker will be coming soon 💕

Chanel link 🔗

Sticker link 🔗

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墨燃 我的小燃儿 生日快乐🎂

🐟 🎂#陈飞宇生日emoji许愿池
@陈飞宇Arthur ​​​


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So glad to hear that Hyx fully passed censorship. They’re ready to broadcast. It’ll come sooner or later in this spring April.
I’m busy with my political and internet are cut off.Hope everything is fine and Jay will be back soon. I’m missing my FeiYunxi

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Mom do you hear our voices? Please stay strong, we’ll fight with you ❤️

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Immortality Weibo updated their cover photo~

There’s two reflections

Moran worship ChuWanNing
TaxianJun stabbed with BuGui to CWN

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