

Proof that just because you can do art doesn't mean you should

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A lovely dancing border collie anthro. Inspired by the Irish balled, Star of the County Down.

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day is here. Since Angel is an Irish lass herself, I thought it would be appropriate to draw her celebrating. Might've had one too many Guinness, me thinks...
Also, trying out this anime-like style.

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A action-y of Rita I felt like doing.

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Recently, and very randomly, saw the on Disney+. Cute movie, and one character that caught my eye was Zee, and I was interested to draw her. Also experimenting with a more rougher style.

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Shamelessly tacking onto the meme. I decided to use my wolf-dragon girl, Lilly Padd, since she and her male cohort love to swim. Although she seem rather skeptical of the suit.

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Roxanne's low self-esteem is obvious, but isn't without her own issues either, binge eating not only unhealthy food but trash as well. Granted neither matters all that much to a robot, but still.

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I've been watching and I've found a soft spot with Roxanne Wolf, despite her questionable narcissism. Out of funsies, I've also drawn Roxanne in Foxy and Mangle color schemes.

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