

Animation Artist, Indie 2D Animator,
Creator of Animation Princi-PALS web series.…

フォロー数:988 フォロワー数:713

Happy !
I am an independent 2D animator as well as an artist who loves drawing cartoons. On the side, I am the creator of a web series called Animation Princi-Pals.

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2020 hasn't been the best year overall, but one thing that has definitely been a plus was becoming an independent animator. I started a web series called Animation Princi-Pals which earned me the position to work as a Lead Animator for Illumination Station.

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Still experimenting and finding my unique style.

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Hi there! I am a 27 year old independent animator and cartoonist working on my original animated web series. It is always a dream of mine to someday work for Disney, whether be in the parks or for television, and to keep 2D animation alive.

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Hi there! Name's Jake. I am a 2D animator and artist who has High Functioning Autism. Currently, I am working on a web series that would teach viewers animation in a fun and humorous way.



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Arty and Mr. Raser, the stars of Animation Princi-Pals, are roasting marshmallows after a long day of animating with their new pal, The logo.

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I'm Jake. I am an independent animator and artist. Currently working on an my own original animated web series and selling art commissions.

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Hello. My name is Jake. I am a 27 year old male who is an independent animator and artist. I am currently animating my own web show drawing every day.

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I 100% agree with you. Mars Needs Moms is not a film I would recommend to watch for Mothers' Day or for any occasion. Another film I would recommend instead is Tarzan.

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