

Animation Artist, Indie 2D Animator,
Creator of Animation Princi-PALS web series.…

フォロー数:1027 フォロワー数:757

Happy MerMay everyone! Meet Candice and Glint. 😃

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My second Quickie Mickey illustration in honor of Stay at Home Spring Dapper Day.

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Here is a sample of my work as well as the prices. Feel free to contact me if you are interested.

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I am a cartoonist, digital artist and an animator.
Creator of Animation Princi-PALS web series on

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My name is Jake.
I love all things Disney, animation and its theme parks.
Planning on possibly accepting commissions on my JestKartoons Instagram.
Message me if you are interested.

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Yes, and thank to you as well for the awesome podcasts. Didn't expect anything less from Team Awesome. Hope you enjoy the art. It is for all the Tangled fans and team members out there. 😃

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One of my personal places to visit when I am at Disneyland. Love stopping by there, see magic right before my very eyes and inspire me to create magic for others. ✨🎩

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Exactly and apparently YouTube knows about this, but refuses to give creators that option because they would rather save on money then to care for their content creators.

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