

Work @ Met Museum of Art-NYC. Plus: #Birding #comics #Webtoons #DCcomics #Marvel #Makingcomics

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Infinity Inc looks sooooo good! Jimmy is geeking out! Cant wait!

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Curatorial Talk at the Museum this morning on one of my favorite artists, muralist Thomas Hart Benton. Cool stuff!

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Finished sketch for a project Im working on. Looks OK but at this hour of the night even Rob Leifeld art looks good~

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Surprising myself by really liking Gotham Academy! Just read the second issue. The art is gorgeous! Quite a fun read!

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Read Earth-2 # 28. Did anyone like it? I had to stop reading & double check that it was the right book! New Gods only

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I caught up on all my comics this week too! Maybe I'll have to buy more!

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Hope Bleeding Cool is wrong and that All-New Invaders is safe form cancellation! Love the Golden Age!

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The chance of seeing this guy on the big screen is AWESOME!

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So many amazing, fun moments in The Flash courtesy of . Best run of the Flash yet! Plus dinosaurs!

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