

Work @ Met Museum of Art-NYC. Plus: #Birding #comics #Webtoons #DCcomics #Marvel #Makingcomics

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Quite the slow day at work, finally! Time to poke around the Twitterverse and see what troubles and joys abound today!

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The first anime I ever got into.."Yuri!!! on ICE"...obsessed with it now!

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Only bought 1 comic this week! Vertigos new Doom Patrol. Some good Rebirth stuff out but Im too behind in my reading

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Wow! A Star Trek-The Motion Picture at the Eastman Museum in Rochester NY this month! https://t.co/8FhfD2sUoq

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So, wait..what??!! very cool! scientists-just-discovered-a-shark-that-s-400-years-old-living-in-the-arctic

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I haven't enjoyed a Superman comic (Action this much in years. That was..refreshing!

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Love seeing work on his THE RED HOOK @ Webtoons!Electric work! Chapter 2 is up! https://t.co/fAeFhONi1W

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Eclectic today. Delving in a little DC w/Swamp Thing. Archie & October Faction are sure bets of awesomeness!

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Some Earth-two JSA art from around the 'net. Trying to ID the artist. Cool style.

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