

I write the comic "Please Forgive Me!!!" drawn by my pal @gobolatula. M/W/F

フォロー数:397 フォロワー数:343

(artist: )

TWO TACO COMICS IN A ROW!?!? just goes to show: I have Taco Fever! Ironically I contracted it from a toilet seat. A toilet seat... AT "the bell"!!! Hoo boy, but we do have fun, right fellas?

3 18

Please Forgive Me!!!
(artist: )

Ah the food court. Or the "good court" as I like to call it, because of all the good food there! What's great is how you can mix and match, get some tacos from "the bell" with a side of curly fries and a nice big squash to wash it down

5 22

Please Forgive Me!!!
(artist: )

Did you know that mourning veils were invented in the Victorian era so that men wouldn't have to look at the crying face of a woman, thought to be "the ugliest thing imaginable." don't get mad at me! I think crying women are beautiful

4 26

Please, Forgive Me!!!
(artist: )

Man, I had that shirt. Did you have that shirt? We all had that shirt, didn't we. Sucks that Danzig is such a tool. Oh shit Tool! You ever listen to Tool?

4 26

Please Forgive MEEEEEEEEE!!!
(art by )

I been putting gochujang on a lot of things lately. It tastes kinda gross but in a good way. I think that's true of anything that involves fermentation, really. Like, if you'd never had "cheese" before.

4 19

Please Forgive Me!!!
(artist: the great )

I've really gotten into digging holes lately. It's great exercise, and hey, its free! and who doesn't want to live in a hole like a cute little gopher? Like a little goblin? Like a tiny subterranean kitten all cozy in its nest

2 19

Please Forgive Me!!!
(artist: el )

Burlington? Like the Coat Factory? Like where Bernie was mayor? What kind of socialist, discount-clothes-having animal shelter is this!?

Eliza's such a goofball.

5 23

Please Forgive Me!!!
(art by the illustrious mr. )

I've started identifying with the mourning doves that frequent my house sometimes they'll just sit on the fence, on the bird bath, top of the bird feeder, not eating, for hours. just hanging out. very chill birds.

4 27

please forgive me!!!
(artist: )

I've never asked gob if clownathan's design is based on one of those "wooly willy" toys you get at the dollar store and I refuse to ask him.

3 21

Please Forgive Me!!!
(artist: )

the series was cancelled after wishbone was photographed by paparazzi doing unprintable things with a dead squirrel in his hotel room. meanwhile andy dick got away with doing that same shit for like 5 years, double standards much?

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