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x0r_jmp has released the 3D Realms 2008 Mark Skelton Duke Nukem sculpt, as replaced by Gearbox Software.

This sculpt does not include textures.

x0r_jmp Rentry page including release links and email for anonymous content submissions:

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x0r_jmp has released a Duke Nukem Forever Asset CD (1998 - 1999), dated December 23rd, 1999.

x0r_jmp Rentry page including release links and email for content submissions:

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Mark Skelton also produced what may be the best Duke Nukem model ever created....that was rather unceremoniously replaced after Gearbox took over with a new model that's generally referred to as "Douche Nukem" in fan communities.

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x0r_jmp has updated their Rentry page with a teaser for an upcoming release. Duke Nukem Forever Asset CD (1998-1999)

x0r_jmp Rentry page including release links and email for content submissions:

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A build of Duke Nukem Endangered Species has leaked. Dated: July 11, 2002.

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Related: A few years ago while exploring the 3D Realms archives a few voxels seemingly intended for Duke Nukem 3D were found in a folder dated June 4, 1997 by Dirk Jones.

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