

cry(ing). mostly art stuff. more posts at jundoe.tumblr.com & instagram.com/jundoe. check out @maxxdicking for The Other GuyTM.

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Day...8 Fins for Lucky to not have been infected afaik & pray it stays that way. In some intense RL stuff rn; no time to do what I’d wanted, but helped me get close. Might finish it up someday. Stay safe!

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Finally, finished fauns for February. Might be getting better at limiting the time I spend trying to make badly slapped on colour look less bad.

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Interrupting faun girls with our pair for - it was supposed to be a quick pic but I ended up needing to help finish colouring before was over… /ᐠ-.-ᐟ\

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Should’ve drawn an oni for Setsubun but all I’ve got is this I’ve been using this shorthanded sketch style for costume design lately.

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Happy Lunar New Year! Here's one of my favourite Hyte I ever did, 's Banyan, as a Ragnarok Online - uh, thief for the Year of the (gold) Rat.

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Back in that again, but at a point in the timeline where my approximate-Wigglytuff-gijinka character design makes no sense.

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Maybe 2020 will be the year I finally learn “I’ll just slap on some quick colours in Procreate” will never not be a lie...

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Fairy Type Gym Leader Jun Bun moved to Galar with years ago; made gym leader when he finally completed his otherwise shiny team “for the aesthetic.” Art me, colour !

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