

cry(ing). mostly art stuff. more posts at jundoe.tumblr.com & instagram.com/jundoe. check out @maxxdicking for The Other GuyTM.

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I was just gonna keep doing monsterfolk figure studies sans prompts for but then I stumbled upon ’s list - so week 1 is Skeletal, with a lionfish!

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It's 😱 May is one of my busiest months, so we'll see how many I manage this time... Here's a palette swap of my pencil brush test mermaid, that I nearly used but - well, I am now!

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Giving a go - I tried to keep it to recent art, but…needs must… 1, 5, & 8 coloured by !

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Lines by me, coloured by ! We just got a Pokemon Center (& Shake Shack), so here's our Singaporean with the official mascots, & doing that Pokemon GO thing.

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Maxx told me it's I've...done a lot of over the years, especially for our knockoff My Little Phony... These are all coloured by !

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Lines by me, coloured by ! Tfw your band girls fit into the four female personalities exactly… Wanted to do a little before season ended & Maxx went to town!

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It’s February! \o/ So I finished up an old sketch of a couple I dreamt about early last year. I know literally nothing else about them, but it was cute.

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Homebrew-TTRPG'ing with our old City of Heroes mains, Axn and Espn. There's a post on my Tumblr about how they ended up accidentally killing* a little old lady right off...

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Wanted a Hanami group pic in the Tokyo Disney “Mousetails & Dreams” collection, so I started off with Riko, but I don’t know when I’ll finish the others. <_> Feat. rudimentarily slapped on shading.

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Hi I’m Jun, OC(and monsterfolk)-trash from Singapore, forever working on sekrit comics and story illusts that will probably never see the light of day. colours a lot of my stuff, like the group pics below - he does commishes, so check out his art!

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