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Commission - Fanart / 夏油傑 / 咒術迴戰
夜鳴-Howling in the night The true identity of this boy ,Takanashi Kei , is yokai named "鵺" .
Frankenstein Boy 🎃 birthday gift for my friend, and the blue-skin boy is a original character she designed.
Once Upon A Time Little Mermaid, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty.
#TheQueensGambit My favorite Netflix TV series in 2020, Anya Taylor-Joy is really amazing in every scenes!
#魔女 #TheWitch #日本語訳 幾年前參加京漫賞的作品,取得了當時負責作品翻譯的吳塵罡先生、京都國際漫畫賞事務局以及京都市的許可後公開日文版全部圖檔,雖然當時沒有獲得大賞但對我來說仍是非常珍貴的回憶。:) With permission, I upload my work "The Witch" Japanese ver. (1/11)
[Drop] v.-to fall or to allow something to fall: n.-a small round-shaped amount of liquid: (1/4)
繼續放舊漫刷存在感,如果喜歡上一篇的蕾絲內褲男友(?)誠摯推薦這篇類似風味的短篇☺️ #騎士與魔法師 ------ 看臉書留言才發現這兩篇的結局有個共通點🤣這篇有出實體漫畫,書裡有另外收錄一個番外篇,可能以後有機會再畫畫他們的後續?(大概是很久很久很久以後了)
☺️ #samecharacter