

I do stuff @TheOASG / watch anime / read manga / Haunted forever by Fire Emblem: Three Houses / Icon/Banner: @oreocorio Email: [email protected]

フォロー数:641 フォロワー数:1334

Hmm, Seven Seas should probably look to send him a copy of this then

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…but yeah, the latest print version of Bookworm is here, so basically it’s “drop everything and start reading time” once again 😂😂😂

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I did witness something hilarious though. In the new manga section someone grabbed one of ’s Ghost Ship titles, looked at the front cover, then looked at the back cover and then had the look of “Um, WHAT???” eyes wide as saucers lol

The Ghost Ship title in question btw:

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lol look the way this scene was going I can't be blamed for this immediately popping into my mind

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Looking forward to when it evolves to its final form

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Yep, moar FE3H tweets! This time, commissioned
to draw Annette in her Officers Academy attire!

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Thanks for doing this Kodansha, now I can again let people know that if you have yet to check out Perfect World, this is a good time to go get it at your preferred digital outlet

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Generally this is a good time to check out Volume 1's of manga you might've considered, but also the best time to get certain long series since they might not be so cheap the rest of the year.

(Like these!!!)

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"When he passed, she took up his mantle, and by the great discoveries she made, came to be called the Golden Child of Crestology."

Here's Lysithea commissioned by !

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Oh nooooooooooooo (I have no wall space 😔)

I can only say they all look amazing, and I hope in the future I can purchase a few of them, especially the one I have as my phone wallpaper!

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