

キツネ She/Fox Demi-Blood🖤🩶💜🤍✊🏽
Neuro🌶 Mangaka Creator of Animal Arithmetic©| Dynamite| Vault| DC| 📧 [email protected]

フォロー数:2833 フォロワー数:13299

I too am down to clown for coverwork! Specialties in creature design and monsters ;)

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How long have I been a Fan? Longer than when I drew these, and this was 2012-15!

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This one was doing NUMBERS, but in my defense, I LOVE Soul Eater and have been part of the fandom for years now. Curious tho, what do yall know me best for? https://t.co/FikHPdiUZ1

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By the way, my good friend and phenomenal VA will also have an exclusive BEDAZZLED varient of this pinset you'll only be able to find with her at conventions soon, as well as some jumbo signing stickers to boot! As a courtesy 10 sets will be available tmmr online!

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NEW ITEM DROPPING WEDNESDAY! Soul and Maka Gold and Red Foil Deluxe charms! Early preorders go up with the KON pinsets 3PM EST!

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