

キツネ She/Fox Demi-Blood🖤🩶💜🤍✊🏽 Neuro🌶 Creator of Animal Arithmetic© Cover and Page Artist: Dynamite| Vault| DC| 📧 [email protected]

フォロー数:2989 フォロワー数:14054

Can finally reveal this new Soul Eater Piece that i worked on for the zine! It will be available as a small print in limited quantity at Animenyc!

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*cough* made me do it *cough* ANOTHER STICKER DESIGN

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New Sticker design and my dumb ass is on fire bring on the haterade >__> *puts up fists*

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Found some old Soul Eater Inktobers and inks

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MONSTER SORA BABBU! He gonna be a charm for AnimeNYC <3

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I've been thinking about older eyepatch!kiri all day

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Hey guys, so uh...i woke up to a bill i didnt know i had to pay and it wiped out my paypal balance 💦💦😭. I'm opening 3 slots for 35$ commissions if anyone's interested! It would be a great help♡ Thank you!

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Omg I hit with the nostalgia bug PLEASE TELL ME SOMEONE REMEMBERS THEM!?

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Gosh my style changed huh....this stuff is from 2013....

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