

フォロー数:188 フォロワー数:127

Maevyn, Lythena, & Lucky were all given beautiful recs by, Evelyn.
【Invite ID】748479387837

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My future daughter & I, playing together, in her room. Whenever, I adopt a child, she'll be very spoiled, & very loved!

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Lucky Rebel, has returned! "Come on! Let's break some watermelons open!"

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Maevyn, relaxing & cooling off, in a calm stream. Beautiful rec by, Yawndeer.
【Invite ID】748479387837

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Cami, my tsundere wolf-goddess, has painted a beautiful mural, for a local shrine.

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Maevyn, my timid elf, has traveled to Emerald City! She made friends with a baby monkey, that can't fly. She plans on finding the Wizard Of Oz & make him help the baby get his wings.

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Ava, my little, yandere vampire, is taking her H3llhounds for a walk, on a dark & rainy night.

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(I got so lucky, I won the link outfit!) Lythena, is having a blast, playing beach volleyball, on a beautiful summer day!

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Me, Niki-Chan, & Cami, in awesome recs by, Retsu!

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Maevyn, Lythena, & Ava, are all in awesome recs by, Retsu!

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