

Chinese Fan Site For KimDongWan.All Data can be moved with logo but cannot be edited in any ways !weibo:烔颜_金烔完个人中文论坛

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저희가 오늘 시라노 연습실 간식서포트를 준비해봤습니다. 인증샷이랑 중국어 메세지를 남겨둔 오빠에게 엄청난 감동을 받았습니다! 주말에 봬요~~

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[FANART] 抱着荞麦君,受伤了也笑得甜甜的皮卡完[心]今天也辛苦了,要快点康复哦

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150509 SHINHWA 17th Anniversary Concert WE in Shanghai - 7P Index up http://t.co/BYwDljG3Ri

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[FANART]Rabbit Dongwan! [Please do not transform this picture in any ways or use for any commercial purposes]

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[Fanart] Oppa Airport Fansion ! [Please do not transform the picture in any ways or use for any commercial purposes. ]

14 10

MT의 신-동완 by:rugoo蚊@烔颜http://t.co/P6zt0bFt

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