

フォロー数:6102 フォロワー数:13649

For the record is still the 🐐. Know what’s sup.

1 13

Guys I have a Harvard law degree (but I’m not a lawyer) my grandma was in the holocaust (these apes aren’t racist) my bored ape is less then 1% of my portfolio ( I always put ethics over money no matter what). -Sincerely J Karen F 💀

8 58

Anyone else vibe with the from ?

6 35

Finally got my LFG!!!! Amazing derivative

5 9

gotta show my support on is all happy with their ? $Gang

1 7

Sup? HERE IS PROOF HOW STRONG THE community is. with the most underrated project in all of $Volt meet 👀🌮💰

16 94