

Moderately disgusting creepazoid

フォロー数:240 フォロワー数:194

Also Vegeta. Three evil members of his race survive led by a grumpy short guy with a widow's peak to dominate humans.

The Christopher Reeve movies were only one of many influences on Toriyama, but they left a few other marks.

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This is bait, right? They're not actually going a bloo bloo aggro on everything.

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Of course it's an actual Nazi going "whaaa mee hate ???? 😂😂 🤨😂 naaaaw hooooow ? ?? ?🤨 u cant assume i hate ????"

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They blocked me, but the original post is one of those masterpieces that deserves to be preserved.

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I figured it was more because he had a face bite without Blanka's excuse of being raised by electric eels.

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Every time right-wingers make up a leftist straw man

rightoitds:"so true the left really is this stupid"
leftoids:"so true i must embody this stupid"

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Ugh, I can't believe people hate on these proud shovelware traditions. Not that I care, but this means I have to whine about being the real victim, somehow.

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Any of Harumaru's Strider 2 illustrations.

Just the scarf alone contained illegal doses of intensity that could out-pose most characters.

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At some point humanity realized the power of the sci-fi cape drip and how it only got stronger the more machinery got added.

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This is how you do solidarity.

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