

Moderately disgusting creepazoid

フォロー数:238 フォロワー数:191

The story you never hear about is Akuma expanding his humble street stand across the globe until he joins the elite.

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Depending on the robot, they might be cockpit canopies or those thing in the middle of Gundam antennae. But there's probably a name for the general look.

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Someday, I'm going to learn shiny, sleek mecha foreheads have a name and feel really stupid.

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Now that's a Rorschach test of cool masks

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Also, other face-bot representation.

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I'm guessing Rayearth also got the idea to call giant robot machines Mashins (Magic Gods) from it.

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The Ganmen/Gunmen's aesthetic of stubby monster bots that are mostly heads with arms and legs glued on?

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With a little bit of BoF5 Odjin.

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