

Be honest with yourself! I draw art of my OC's & my many brainrots (primarily OMORI & Talentless Nana & Sly 3) & other various interests :3

フォロー数:169 フォロワー数:94

It's Hero! Challenged myself to not overdo it with the shading this time

3 7

Made this entirely out of frustration that I felt like I couldn't draw today... But ironically enough, this ended up turning out kinda better than I had expected anyways

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Figured I'd give this a try! Starting off with 3 slots, DM if interested!

4 7

Wish I could've made something better for his birthday but at least it's something

Happy birthday, Luminary of the Stars!

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There was more I wanted to do with this draw idea but I CBA to finish it. At least I got her like 90% done

So yeah. Monika in Sou's clothes.

1 6

Super rushed Omori doodle based on the recent leaks cause holy shit my excitement is spiked through the roof

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An experiment/non-serious doodle

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