

EN Moderator for @mgmgoi4 and Delutaya Fans Server. 🇺🇸 🇳🇴 🇹🇭 🇯🇵
Semi-active osu!taiko mapper. Custom keyboard and ASMR enthusiast. 🔺💚

フォロー数:191 フォロワー数:296

me checking out the taiko mascot contest

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(NEW MAP) USAO - Dynamite (5.37 stars) https://t.co/CFRP0dOAzH

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amazing art by . did a favor for him yesterday at my discord and he was being cool enough to draw me this.

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unfunny inside jokes at my discord server

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(NEW MAP) Igasaki Ayaka - Yume Iro, Usagi e Youkoso (Cut ver.) - https://t.co/pU5jRBNPo8

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mfw people tells you havent done so much but you're gold at everything and themselfs haven't popped a single ult yet

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