

EN Moderator for @mgmgoi4 and Delutaya Fans Server. 🇺🇸 🇳🇴 🇹🇭 🇯🇵
Semi-active osu!taiko mapper. Custom keyboard and ASMR enthusiast. 🔺💚

フォロー数:191 フォロワー数:296

weeaboo squad has been made

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finished making the background, now for the hardest part. making the mappu

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sometimes i have to make/edit a background for my own map, sometimes its fun, sometimes its too tedious to do so

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was looking through my puush screenshots and was wondering why this was a thing people was doing, lol

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this guy got a little upset about me not answering him apparently

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Playing MGSV. This game is soooooo good.

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