

Polycellular biological organism subjected to continuous mitosis.
C#, AS3, Javascript, Unity3D developer, illustrator, animator.

フォロー数:240 フォロワー数:442

Est ce que ce monde est sérieux ?!

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Rares images d'une pluie chirale dans ...

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"Strange world" temporary title. Surrealist exploration game.
That's all for the moment :)

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Quick lighting test in Unity with special shader

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scene of game of thrones.
From the basic scene to the final scene. Magic of normalmaps and toon shaders.

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Game of Thrones S06E05 : "The Door"
with toon shaders and mesh deformer
This illustration was created in two working days

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Work in progress 6 : Final render
Game of Thrones S06E05 : "The Door"

Next step : GIF link

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Work in progress 5 : power of mesh deformer
Next step : deads, meteo and final render !

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Work in progress 4 : power of emission light.
Next step : more deads ans animations

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