

It's that silly Kit Fox. Artist/Animator/Crafter/Dork. Easily amused by cats. Talks to birds. @ArtByKunzai is my gallery account! Ace-Enby She/Her/They/Them

フォロー数:555 フォロワー数:463

guess I'm just furry trash~

7 41

Portait icon for !
These are still open for £20 ^^

10 31

Open for sketch portrait/icons like the below example for £20 with a fast turnaround!

14 17

Pffff I can be elegant too you know

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Badge progress for - lots of colours are used to try and create a vibrant black

3 6

I had the honour of making this celebratory artwork for and her husband, who are preparing for their first child :)
You can now view it on FA: https://t.co/7H1RTEBkOQ

2 10

This sweetie keeps making my day. LOOK at this amazing art by !!! I'm speechless!

5 10

Current icon shows both Kunzai, and my genet alter ego, Luyana. These two together form a more complete picture of who I am.

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