

I decided to make a twitter account so that I might insert drawings and cartoons into the internet.

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Happy Halloween! A day late, but when you're a witch, every day is Halloween! 🎃

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Hey! My name's Lauriz and I'm an illustrator and designer. I'm also pretty ok at those moving picture things.


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Made Tom a teeeny painting with a little envelope to put it in (sized for easy transport). Gold parts are embossed!

fyi Tom's as nice as he is tall (very!) and so photogenic it’s contagious--I look hella cute *finger guns* 👉👉

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teaching about the joys of food, aka the most important day in Aziraphale's life. (I'm still taking G.O. prompts! Gimme ur prompts!)

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Here is an cover design I've been working on for my portfolio. I was lucky enough to give prints of them to the legendary yesterday at And to prove just how long I've been a fan, here's a fanart 14-yr-old me drew, circa 2004.

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Anything you can give, no matter how small, brings us farther from disaster and closer to hope.

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Character designs for an imaginary animated series about the Batfam

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